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Futures of Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Computer systems with general intelligence

General intelligence, or "AGI", is an important concept in computer science. This concept describes a computer system's ability to learn and adapt to its environment. Its future applications range from creating new technologies and approaches to combating climate change to solving common tasks. In the near future, such systems may be able to complete tasks more efficiently than human workers, saving time, money, and lives.

Cognitive computing

Cognitive computing is a powerful new technology with numerous future possibilities. Already in use in healthcare and financial fields, it will help humans be more efficient and focus on more creative work. In just 5 years, this technology is expected to significantly affect organizations across all industries. The key is to understand and leverage this technology to realize its full potential.


Natural language processing (NLP) is a major area of computer science that can solve a variety of real-world problems. This area is rapidly developing and has the potential to reshape various industries. If you're interested in the field and would like to learn more, consider pursuing an MSc in Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence.

Computer vision

Artificial intelligence and computer vision are closely linked technologies. Both are being used to automate labor-intensive processes. For example, computer vision is being used to automate product assembly lines in the electronics industry. The technology is also being used to automate processes in retail, most notably in retail stores such as Amazon.

Self-driving cars

The ultimate goal of autonomous cars is to eliminate the need for a human at the wheel. While this is a daunting task, manufacturers have begun solving small pieces of the puzzle and working toward complete autonomy. There are also startups trying to tackle the problem head-on, and one disruptive company has stated that it expects to have a fully self-driving car on the road by 2020.


Robotics and artificial intelligence can play a crucial role in the manufacturing sector. Robots can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks, including material handling, welding, colour coating, drilling, polishing, packaging, and even safety checks. AI can also play a crucial role in designing consumer products and services. Moreover, robots can carry out a variety of medical tests, as well as complex surgeries. The development of robots can also ease the workload of humans.

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