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MEDITATION- Importance, Benefits

Meditation is a form of yoga that helps us to develop a deeper concentration, peace and understanding with ourselves and the surrounding. It is the best technique for our overall well being as it teaches us how to cope up with our emotions, deal with challenges, build self-awareness, focus our mind, relax and much more.

The practice of meditation is nothing new, it was first discovered by the ancient Indians around 2000 years ago. The term meditation comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “to concentrate the mind”. The idea behind the meditation is simple, it will help you to concentrate the mind, free it from the stress and other disturbances.

But how to get meditation into your life? Let’s discuss some of the most common questions that are asked by the people.

Is meditation a religion?

No, it isn’t. Meditation is a way of getting rid of negativity in your life. There are people who think that meditation is a religion, because they believe that it is a worshiping of the Supreme Lord. Meditation is an effective way of achieving the peace of your mind and soul.

Meditation is not a method that will take you to the heaven but will help you to deal with your challenges in a better way.

It will teach you how to accept your destiny and will teach you the real way of living in this world. It is not the answer to the problems of our life, but it will surely help us to live our life in a better way.

Why is it necessary?

I am not saying that you should start practicing meditation. It is a form of relaxation that you can use anytime.

Here are the benefits of meditation

1. Develops concentration

Concentration is the first benefit of meditation as it will help you to be calm and focused. You will gain more control over your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

2. Achieves peace of mind

Peace of mind is another most important benefit of meditation. People who practice meditation regularly are less prone to depression, anxiety, frustration and anger.

3. Helps in dealing with stress

A stressed mind is the worst enemy of any human, it will only lead to negative emotions, anxiety and other negative experiences. Meditation helps us to control our mind and get rid of stress.

4. Improves your memory

Meditation can also help you to improve your memory as it will help you to clear your mind. It will increase the flow of oxygen in your brain and helps you to stay fit for a longer time.

5. Helps in increasing creativity

Creativity is an amazing thing that can’t be explained by anyone. It is a gift that no one can teach you but can only be learned by practicing meditation.


If you want to make a difference in your life then learn the art of meditation. The most important thing that you should keep in your mind while practicing meditation is that it is not the answer to your life but it will definitely help you to deal with challenges of life in a better


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