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  • Digital marketing is not a separate category. It's the same as online marketing. If you're not marketing your business online, you're not marketing at all. So, why do we have a digital marketing category? I think it's because people like to classify things in different categories. It makes them easier to understand and remember. And, of course, it helps us to find similar products, services, and solutions.
  • But, I'm going to suggest that you don't try to classify digital marketing. Instead, consider it simply as another form of online marketing.
  • There are a few reasons why your website isn't getting the traffic that it should be getting. One of those reasons could be your content.
  • You've spent time creating a great site with great information for your visitors, but if your content is lacking, you could be missing out on tons of leads.
  • Luckily, there are some quick and easy ways to improve your content to make sure that you are bringing in the traffic you want and need. In addition to this, many search engines will penalize sites with poor mobile friendliness and slow load times.

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